
Craig Chaddock's:

Supplement to Herbert Chaddock's: Some Chaddock Family History


Craig & Lisa, 2/9/91
My grandfather: Robert Franklin Chaddock, b. Apr. 21, 1905, d. Aug. 3, 1997, married Sep. 8, 1935 to Dorothy Louise M., b. Apr. 1, 1910, d. Jan. 1996, also a descendant of a Soldier of the American Revolution Jonathan Robinson. One child, Robert M. Chaddock.

Herbert B. Chaddock, b. Jan.1, 1904, was my Grandfather Franklin's brother (Franklin, proper name Robert F. Chaddock). They had one other brother named Kenneth Edward Chaddock, b. Aug.29, 1906.


Craig R. Chaddock

December, 1996.
Revised May, 2011

Related Information
or Resources:
  Email Craig
Herbert Chaddock's: Some Chaddock History
Joseph Chaddock Tree
Joseph, Thomas, & Patty Chaddock
Jonathan Robinson

Chaddock Get-Together, Orange Co., CA. USA

Related only by name, Rob and Carol Chaddock visit our family in California.  L-R starting with the back row is Lois, Craig, Franklin, Robert, Rob, Debbie, Lisa, and Carol.

1. In 1995 my wife Lisa re-typed my Great Uncle Herbert's work into our 386SX-16 (my first home computer).  We wrote to all the Chaddocks on CompuServe about the article and got at least three responses from people indicating an interest in reading it.  In 1996, when CompuServe provided webspace for internet publishing, we created a Chaddock homepage with Herbert's article as the cornerstone.  In January of 1997 we republished the developing Chaddock Genealogy webpages onto a newly formed commercial site, www.gather.com.  Today, Chaddock Geneaolgy can now be found at www.chaddock.net.    I sometimes wonder that when Herbert wrote his article, if he could have imagined the possibility of everyone in the world having instant access to his work, and that it might inspire even more information to be shared.
2. www.gather.com and gather.org are no longer affiliated with chaddock.net or thumbwave.com.

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