Descendants of Jonathan Robinson

Not absolutely known are Jonathan's father Isaac Robinson and grandfather Joseph Robinson. See Reference Material cited below.

Jonathan Robinson, a Soldier of the American Revolution. b. Jun.25,1753 in Andover, MA. m. Apr.24,1783. d. Mar.17,1838 in Surrey, NH.
+Betty Chadwick b. Aug.22,1756 in Boxford, MA. d.Oct.23,1818 in Surry NH. dau. of John and Susanna (Peabody) Chadwick
+Mrs. Mary (Paige) Page m.(2) Mar.16,1826, widow of Lemuel Page
Dorothy Robinson b. Jul.7,1783 m. Dec.22,1807 in Surry, NH. d. in PA.
+Isaac Field (brother of Eliphaz)b. Mar.28,1781 in Surry, NH. d. in PA.
Samuel Robinson b. Apr.29,1786 m. May.21,1812 d. Oct.7,1869 in Keene, NH.
+Nancy Harvey b. 1792 in Alstead, NH. d. Jan.29,1859
Susanna Robinson b. Jun.7,1788 m. Oct.20,1812 d. Aug.17,1853 in Surry, NH.
+Eliphaz Field (brother of Isaac) b. Feb.20,1784 in Surry, NH. d. Jan.18,1872 in Surry, NH.
Sally Robinson b. Oct.20,1790 m. Feb.8,1809 in Surry, NH. d. 1879 in MA.
+Dr. Lewis Johnson b. Mar.16,1783. d. Dec.4,1817 in Westmoreland (Parkhill), NH.
Jonathan Robinson Jr. b. Feb.9,1798 m. Apr.11,1832 d. Sep.30,1876
+Elvira Shaw b. Jul.15,1802 d. Aug.11,1865
Frederick Eugene Robinson b. Apr.16,1845 m. Aug.5,1870 d. Jul.18,1921 Boston, MA.
+Catherine (or Katherine) L. Burns b. 1850 in IA. d. Jan.1,1874
Cora Maude Robinson b. Mar.22,1872 m. Sep.19,1894 d. Apr.3,1950
+William Moses M., b. Feb.22,1867 in or near St. George, New Brunswick, Can. d. Jun.22,1946
Helen Irene M., b. Jun.24,1896 d. Nov.,1951
+Harry Brown McCormick
+Barnes (2nd Husband)
Frank William M., a Veteran of WWI. b. Jun.29,1897 d. Sep.3,1923.
Ralph William M., b. Dec.13,1901 d. Dec.19,1950
Dorothy Louise M., b. Apr.1,1910 m. Sep.8,1935 d. Jan.,1996
+Robert Franklin Chaddock b. Apr. 21, 1905, d. Aug 3, 1997.
Robert M. Chaddock b. 1938 m. Aug.9, 1959
+Lois L.K. b. 1939
Craig R. Chaddock b. 1963 m. Feb.9, 1991
+Lisa M. Bridenstine
Carrie Holmes M., b. Jul.8,1911 m. Mar.,1935 d.1999
+Charles W. Maskell b. Sep.6,1907 d.1970's?
We have information on this line as well,
will post when permission obtained.

Books and Reference Material

History of the Town of Surry, Cheshire County, New Hampshire by Frank Burnside Kingsbury, Published by the town of Surry, New Hampshire, 1925, The Concord Press, Concord, NH, 1925.

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