
Azel Chaddock, b.1806

Coat of ArmsAzel apparently went to NY later than some of his older brothers. He is listed in the 1840 Fed Census as living in Bennington, Genesee Co., NY.

His will and probate are found in Wyo. Co. Record of Wills - 1850 - 59. "Azel Chaddock of the town of Bennington and County of Wyoming...of the age of 49 years of sound mind...make and publish this my last will and testament. I give to my two sons Sylvester and Emery Chaddock all my personal and real estate after paying my debts...they pay $50.00 to my daughter Harriett...the miner heirs shall have their support up to their majority...Larry and Rudy Elving (?) Shaddock ...and then to have $100.00 each in $50.00 payment per year. I further order that my wife Nancy have and own one of my ? horses now on the farm and subject to her control...I appoint my brother Luther Shaddock executor...this 5th day of May 1856." The witnesses were William B. Perry who said among other things that Azel "said his hand trembled so he could not get the letters to his name all in."

"I have understood he had been insane before I knew him", and Dryden Safford who upon cross examination stated "I have not within 5 years or at any time except two times once 16 and once 5 years ago said to Sylvester Chaddock or anyone else that I thought the deceased was insane nor have I though so."

Liz Burdick
Information from Thomas Chaddock Family record "398"

Submitted to this site February, 1997.

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Joseph Chaddock Tree
Joseph, Thomas, & Patty Chaddock
Thomas Chaddock, b1760
of this line:
  Malcolm Chaddock

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